Crucifies my enemies....

segunda-feira, janeiro 03, 2005

Editorial do Dakar

A rainha das provas de todo o terreno já está em Àfrica.

Richard Sainct was a great champion but he was above all a nice and approachable person, a great guy. In spite of the wisdom and the caution that guided him, the desert struck him down; hence reminding us that no one can master Africa.

Being aware of the risks in a challenge, far from being an obstacle, is a vital ally: the essential counterpart to enthusiasm. We are certain that it is in this state of mind that the competitors of the 2005 Telefonica-Dakar entered the rally in bulk. For the first time in the history of the Dakar, entries in the motorcycle category were closed as early as August this year.
At the same time the influx of candidates in the car and truck category, heralding a vintage participation for this 2005 edition, alerted us to the necessity of setting a limit. Quality reception conditions for the competitors, in terms of safety but also comfort, must prevail, and must under no circumstances be undermined by the competition's success. Hence, in order to merit the confidence displayed by Dakar lovers from the four corners of the world (60% non-French entries), we closed entries as early as mid-October: there will “only” be 230 motorcycles, 165 cars, 70 trucks and 230 assistance vehicles at the start in Barcelona.

Further concern for the respect of the competition also leads us to undertake the complete reworking of the rally regulations.
All officials directly in charge of the application of the regulations on the ground were consulted in its rewriting, in a dual attempt to preserve sporting equity and to improve safety conditions for competitors and for local populations. The measures adopted, from the re-introduction of “real” marathon stages to the setting up of the Sentinel system, are geared towards accomplishing these objectives.

This 27th edition, which renews with the legend of the Dakar via its traditional route, takes us back to its African identity. The dotted line drawn on a map by a few rally-raid pioneers has been transformed into a solid relationship based on mutual sharing. In inviting us each year, in communicating to us its desire, Africa has claimed the Dakar as its own. Our passion is hence rewarded.

2 comentários:

Luke disse...

Obrigado, mas apenas acho que sei onde procurar....

Luke disse...

Digamos que sou um remediado...